Pool Safety Rules
Ensuring the safety of everyone at the facility is of the utmost importance, and it is the primary job of the pool staff including, but not limited to, the Manager on Duty, lifeguards, trustees, and attendants. In the event of an injury, please report the incident to an HHRC staff member immediately.
HHRC Staff enforces the following rules. All members and guests shall obey any instructions from staff and show them proper respect and cooperation at all times. Failure to do so can result in being asked to leave or revocation of membership.

- Swimmers are permitted in the water while it is raining; however, if thunder or lightning is witnessed, all swimmers must clear the pool area for 30 minutes. Every time thunder or lightning is witnessed, it is an additional 30 minutes.
- Children 8 years old and younger are not permitted in the pool water without adult supervision. Adult must be on the pool deck near the child swimmer or in the pool water with the child.
- The 15-minute breaks are limited to patrons 18 years and older. Children under 6 years of age may enter the pool during break time if they are accompanied in the water by an adult. These are breaks for patrons seeking a calm swimming experience.
- Baby pool is reserved for patrons 6 years old and under – at all times.
- No diving in the 3ft and 4ft areas.
- No rough playing in the 3ft area
- Flipping off the side of the pool is strictly prohibited at all times.
- Horseplay in and out of the water is prohibited.
- Rafts must be round and clear. No “novelty” rafts.
- Squirt guns are not permitted in the pool or on the pool grounds at any time.
- Throwing balls/toys across the pool is prohibited at all times.
- Only balls intended for pool use are permitted in the pool and on the pool grounds. (For example, no baseballs, footballs, tennis balls, etc. on the pool grounds.)
- Swimmers are not permitted to sit on one another’s shoulders at any time.
- Pool floats are prohibited on peak attendance days and at the lifeguards’ discretion.
- No dunking of any kind will be tolerated.
- No gum, food, or drink of any kind is permitted in the pool water. Patrons may stand in the water along the pool edge/pool deck with a beverage but must be within arm’s reach. Poolside drinks may be prohibited at the lifeguards’ discretion.
- Inappropriate language, conduct, and/or attire is not permitted.
- Glass containers are prohibited.
- Smoking and vaping are prohibited.
- All patrons are expected to leave the pool grounds in a clean, orderly manner and to respect all HHRC and patron property.
- One patron allowed in the slide at a time.
- Once you go down the slide, you must immediately swim to the ladder and exit the pool or swim out of the designated marked slide area
- The next patron in line must wait his/her turn until the patron has reached the ladder and is exiting the pool water or the patron has completely swam out of the designated marked slide area,
- Only one person is permitted on the ladder and on the diving board at a time.
- It is required that you wait until the previous swimmer has reached the ladder before jumping off the diving board.
- When using the diving board(s), it is required you swim and exit the pool from the ladder on the corresponding side of the pool.
- Once you reach the ladder in the 12ft after using the diving board, exit the pool immediately.
- Goggles are prohibited while using either of the diving boards.
- Floats of any kind are not permitted when using the diving boards unless a parent is in the water to catch the child.
- Parents are only permitted to catch their children off the diving board during rest period.
- No balls are permitted in the 12ft while swimmers are using the diving boards.
- Diving off the side of the pool is only permitted in the 12ft during free swim, which is called by the on-duty lifeguard.
- Diving in the 12ft is only permitted with arms in the correct diving position.
- Flipping off the diving boards is permitted at the lifeguards’ discretion.
- No competitive diving is permitted at any time.